Obama Shut Down

October 3, 2013



May 20, 2013


Obama and religious persecution

May 18, 2013


The Village Idiots!

May 16, 2013

Always Unaware… Yea right you might be able to make your mindless voters believe that… but some of us are wide awake…


Obama And His IRS Gestapo

May 10, 2013



Read More About The Obama GESTAPO


May 9, 2013


1. The German ( American ) internal security police as organized under the Nazi/ Obama regime, known for its terrorist methods directed against those suspected of treason or questionable loyalty. ( it’s people )
2. gestapo pl.
( Department of Homeland Security
Searches your house without warrants for the good of the country )
Nsa spy on you reads your emails bank statement and so on!!

ge·sta·pos A police organization that employs terroristic methods to control a populace. ( fast and furious ) elections )
Contestant propaganda clips on Abc NBC CBS Fox Cnn News )

1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the German/
( American ) security police organized under the Nazi ( Obama ) regime.
2. gestapo Of, relating to, or characteristic of terroristic police methods or operations: gestapo tactics.
( Boston, Waco, Ruby Ridge,

Bidens Increase Charitable Donations to 1.87 Percent of Income…

April 12, 2013

Dems always say give more and they never give at all it’s up to us hard working Americans… Cheapskate


This year, Joe and Jill Biden increased their charitable donations from 1.5 percent of their income to 1.87 percent.
“The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden also released their 2012 federal income tax returns, as well as state income tax returns for both Delaware and Virginia. The Bidens filed joint federal and combined Delaware income tax returns. Dr. Biden filed a separate non-resident tax return for the state of Virginia. Together, they reported adjusted gross income of $385,072. The Bidens paid $87,851 in total federal tax for 2012. They paid $13,531 in Delaware income tax and $3,593 in Virginia income tax. The Bidens contributed $7,190 to charity in 2012,” writes the White House, summarizing the Bidens’ income tax return.
That means the Bidens donated 1.87 percent of their income to charity.
Last year, as we reported, the number was 1.5 percent:
According to the White House, “Together, [the Bidens] reported adjusted gross income of $379,035. The Bidens paid $87,900 in total federal tax for 2011. They paid $13,843 in Delaware income tax and $3,614 in Virginia income tax. The Bidens contributed $5,540 to charity in 2011.”
In other words, the Bidens donated less than 1.5 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity.
The White House reveals that the Obamas were a bit more charitable.

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Why does obama want this family DEPORTED.?

April 10, 2013


Fifteen-year-old Daniel Romeike loves America — his adopted country. But if the Obama Administration has its way, Daniel, his parents and his brothers and sisters will be deported in a court battle over the right to home school.

The Romeike children work on their lessons at the kitchen table.

“If I had a chance to talk to President Obama, I would ask him to let us stay in this great country of freedom and opportunity,” Daniel told Fox News.
The Romeike family fled their German homeland in 2008 seeking political asylum in the United States – where they hoped to home school their children. Instead, the Obama administration wants the evangelical Christian family deported.
The fate of Uwe and Hannelore Romeike – along with their six children – now rests with the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2010 an immigration judge granted the family political refuge, but the Dept. of Homeland Security objected and argued they don’t deserve asylum.
Neither the Justice Dept. nor the Dept. of Homeland Security returned calls seeking comment.
“The Obama administration is basically saying there is no right to home school anywhere,” said Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association. “It’s an utter repudiation of parental liberty and religious liberty.”
The HSLDA is not only representing the family, but they’ve also launched a White House petition urging President Obama to grant them asylum. Nearly 100,000 Americans have signed the petition. Click here to sign the petition.
The Justice Dept. is arguing that German law banning home schooling does not violate the family’s human rights.
“They are trying to send a family back to Germany where they would certainly lose custody of their children,” Farris told Fox News. “Our government is siding with Germany.”

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The reason why you don’t put a community organizer in office

April 10, 2013


Did Dems Bug The GOP?

April 9, 2013


Mitch McConnell seeks FBI investigation

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign asked the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office on Tuesday to investigate how Mother Jones magazine obtained a recording of a February strategy session.
“Senator McConnell’s campaign is working with the FBI and has notified the local U.S. Attorney in Louisville, per FBI request, about these recordings,” McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said in a statement. “Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell’s campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished presumably will be the subject of a criminal investigation.”
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Added a source close to the campaign: “We’re going on the assumption that a crime has been committed. No one at the meeting leaked this.”
(PHOTOS: Ashley Judd through the years)
The McConnell campaign has not offered any direct evidence the recording was the result of an illegal bug.
The FBI office in Louisville, Ky. confirmed McConnell’s office had contacted them and that the bureau was looking into the matter.
On Tuesday morning, Mother Jones, a liberal magazine, published an audio recording of McConnell staffers discussing opposition research they could use against actress Ashley Judd, who was considering running against veteran senator in the 2014 Senate race. Judd announced last week that she would not make the race.
The magazine reported that in the Feb. 2 recording, McConnell and his aides were heard considering attacking Judd for “past struggles with depression and for her religious views.”
(Also on POLITICO: Pundits react: Ashley Judd won’t run)
Someone on the tape is heard saying:
“She’s clearly, this sounds extreme, but she is emotionally unbalanced. I mean it’s been documented. Jesse can go in chapter and verse from her autobiography about, you know, she’s suffered some suicidal tendencies. She was hospitalized for 42 days when she had a mental breakdown in the ’90s.”
McConnell is not disputing the authenticity of the tape. Yesterday, his campaign offices were swept by a private security detail, which did not find a bug. Still, given that the meeting was attending by only a handful of longtime McConnell insiders, team McConnell is convinced it was not an internal leak. In an earlier statement, the McConnell campaign accused “the Left” of using “Nixonian tactics” and bugging the campaign’s headquarters.
David Corn, the Mother Jones reporter who broke the story, stood by his reporting and noted that he repeatedly reached out to the McConnell camp before publication.
(PHOTOS: Mitch McConnell’s career)
“Our lawyers vetted the story,” he told POLITICO. “The story itself says we were provided the tape by a source who wishes to remain anonymous. You know this job. I really can’t say much beyond that.”
In a later statement, the magazine said they weren’t involved in the tape’s production.
“We are still waiting for Sen. Mitch McConnell to comment on the substance of the story,” the statement read. “Before posting this article, we contacted his Senate office and his campaign office—in particular, his campaign manager, Jesse Benton—and no one responded. As the story makes clear, we were recently provided the tape by a source who wished to remain anonymous. We were not involved in the making of the tape, but we published a story on the tape due to its obvious newsworthiness. It is our understanding that the tape was not the product of a Watergate-style bugging operation. We cannot comment beyond that.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/mitch-mcconnell-ashley-judd-recordings-fbi-89803.html#ixzz2Q06JcK1X